Paul (Pavlos) Georgiou
Παύλος Γεωργίου
I’m a software developer with special interest in applied cryptography, including blockchain technology and implementation of cryptographic primitives. I have dual nationality —Cypriot and Polish— speaking Greek and Polish. Also known as “veqtrus”.
I graduated with the degree of Master of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh, after a five year programme.
S-box cryptanalysis
Blog post introducing S-box cryptanalysis with a utility to calculate probability/bias tables.
Contributions to Open Source projects
I have contributed to open source projects and open-sourced some of my personal projects, which can be found on my GitHub profile. Most notably I wrote a major patch to P2Pool, a decentralized Bitcoin mining protocol. I have also contributed to electricitymap.org, a visualisation of CO2 emissions of electricity consumption.
University Functional Programming competition
In the first year at University I participated in the competition organised by the Functional Programming class and got the second place with my ray tracer based entry. Written in Haskell.
The ray tracer is capable of accurately calculating specular reflection and refraction. It approximates diffusive reflection by projecting 100 rays into 80% of the area above each point on a diffusive surface.
There is a recursion limit of 16 for specular reflection and refraction (for each refraction it is halved as each refraction is accompanied by a reflection) and a limit of 1 for diffusive reflection. — README